We met with the craniologist for a follow-up scan this week. Abby's skull seems to have a triangular shape to it - coming to a point in the forehead - which may mean her skull-plates have fused prematurely.
Here's what a normal baby's skull looks like (aerial view):
And here's what Abby's skull looks like (ignore the diagonal lines- they are just measurements):

After the follow-up, Dr. Karl noted that her skull really hasn't rounded out or changed significantly, so Abby has an appointment to meet with a neurosurgeon on June 28th. I've done a little bit of research, and it turns out that Children's Hospital of Atlanta has the best neurosurgeons in the world - as in, people from all over the country send their babies to see them!- so that makes me feel confident that they'll know what to do.
I've put the appointment out of my head for the last month, but now that it's coming up, I'm starting to get a little nervous. I just feel like she's already been through so much - what with her prematurity and physical therapy and all of these doctor's appointments. I was really hoping that the tough stuff was behind us. Please be praying that the plates haven't fused early and that all she needs is a little baby helmet to redirect and round out her forehead. I've seen descriptions and pictures of the surgery they do to correct early skull fusions, and I know she's a trooper and we would get through it and she wouldn't even remember it - but I think every mother's heart just breaks when they think of their child having to undergo even the most minor of surgeries. And I don't think that skull surgery falls into the realm of "minor".
Matt's taking off of work on the 28th to go with us to the appointment. I'm not sure if it's just a consultation or if they will be doing the catscan/MRI that day as well. But for now I'm going to stop googling and go play with this little conehead, who is positively perfect in every way.