Thursday, August 12, 2010

Blessed...not stressed!

We have had a great last few weeks of summer, and now we're heading into the final countdown before Abby turns ONE. Yes, I'm holding back tears as I write that. It seems like just last week we were bringing her home for the first time after all the weeks of back and forth to the nicu. She was so tiny she fit in the palm of Matt's hand and we just all laid on the bed when we got her home and looked over at each other like "now what??" And now here we are at 11 months old and 18 lbs. She may be a tiny thing, but she makes up for it with fiestiness! It seems like Abby learns how to do something new everyday - just yesterday she came home from "school" and she was pointing for the first time. Pointing at EVERYTHING - and babbling on and on to let me know what it was she was pointing at.
Abby had a great playdate with Corbin and Ian a few weeks ago. Ian was sleeping when I remembered I brought my camera, so here are some shots of Abby and her "best friend":

Here they are trying to start their own band "The Tiny Teethers". Abby has agreed to be lead singer if Corbin does all the dancing:

Corbin and Cathy - this was just too cute not to add:

Forever Friends:

We crashed Mimi and Papa's anniversary dinner - and Gigi and Grandy decided to join us too! Here we are at Frank's Italian Restaurant:

I got to spend some much needed girl-time celebrating with my friend Kristin at her baby shower. Here are Kristin, her sister Kelly, and their mother. Can you tell Mrs. Ross is excited to be getting two grandchildren this fall?

There are four people in this picture :)
Abigail learned to crawl last month and now she is a mobile machine! She spends her days moving from one room to another and chasing around the animals:

Here she is on her first day of "school"! She was so excited to go and play with the other babies...until she realized mommy was not going to be there the whole time.

Cutest face on earth:

1 comment:

Kristin said...

Great update! I can't believe Abby is going to be 1 so soon. Where has the time gone?? I love the photos and LOVE LOVE the last one of her. She's so stinkin' cute!