Thursday, May 21, 2009
18 week update!
How far along? 18 weeks!!!
Total weight gain/loss: Gained 6lbs
Maternity clothes? I "popped" so now almost nothing fits! My bump is definitely visible - pics to come!
Sleep: I wish - I am soooooo tired!!!
Best moment this week: Ever since Matt learned that Abigail can hear he has talked with her every night before bed. He puts his face right on my belly and tell her to "grow, grow, grow!" Then he always says something sweet to her. **SIGH** It's the sweetest part of my day. I love my little family.
Movement: Feeling different in the lower abdomen, but not real kicks yet. I'm pretty sure it's Abby, but I will hold off on saying for certain.
Food cravings: Anything blueberry, Olive Garden salads...
Gender: The specialist confirmed on Monday that she is ALL GIRL!! We will start registering in a few weeks :)
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button in or out? In...of course...
What I miss: being able to breathe through my nose. So STUFFY!
What I am looking forward to: My next regular OB visit on June 5th. Matt will get to come to the ultrasound!!!
My Sweet potato!

Sunday, May 10, 2009
My little avacado...

Total weight gain/loss: Gained 4lbs - still down 1lb from where I was at the beginning of the pregnancy. The midwife is not concerned, and due to my recent discovery of my love for food, I think I will be gaining quite a bit more before my 20 week appointment.
Maternity clothes? Got some new pants at Kohl's for 80% off! They are the "Secret Belly Fit" and I LOVE them! So comfy :)
Belly Button in or out? In...of course...
What I miss: having the energy to clean house
Sunday, May 3, 2009
15 Weeks!

How far along? 15 weeks, 3days!!
Total weight gain/loss:Not sure - I think I may have gained seeing being on m/s meds.
Maternity clothes? In them. I seriously look like I stuffed a bag of donuts right under my chest. Can't wait until it looks more baby and less bloaty.
Sleep: WANT to, but situations are keeping me from getting enough! Like the car breaking down on 285 at midnight Saturday. And the tornados running through my town.
Best moment this week: Learning GB is a little GIRL!!
Movement: I'm having these little belly "spasms" where the skin seems to twitch, but I'm not sure if that's GB or not...
Food cravings: Sharp cheddar cheese, Mcdonald's fries, green beans
Gender: All sugar and spice!
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button in or out? In...of course...
What I miss: when going poo was not such a big accomplishment - worthy of a happy dance.
What I am looking forward to: My 16 week appointment on Friday - the same day my kids take their AP exam! (Although I'm not looking forward to the gestational diabetes test and blood draw.