Watch what you say... tiny bones forming in baby's ears mean the little one can now pick up your voice. Eyebrows, lashes and hair are starting to fill in, and taste buds are forming. And, if you're interested, an ultrasound might be able to determine gender.
How far along? 16 weeks, 3days!!
Total weight gain/loss: Gained 4lbs - still down 1lb from where I was at the beginning of the pregnancy. The midwife is not concerned, and due to my recent discovery of my love for food, I think I will be gaining quite a bit more before my 20 week appointment.
Maternity clothes? Got some new pants at Kohl's for 80% off! They are the "Secret Belly Fit" and I LOVE them! So comfy :)
Total weight gain/loss: Gained 4lbs - still down 1lb from where I was at the beginning of the pregnancy. The midwife is not concerned, and due to my recent discovery of my love for food, I think I will be gaining quite a bit more before my 20 week appointment.
Maternity clothes? Got some new pants at Kohl's for 80% off! They are the "Secret Belly Fit" and I LOVE them! So comfy :)
Sleep: Still waking up every 2 hours. I am SO TIRED when the alarm goes off!
Best moment this week: Hearing Abigail's heartbeat on the home doppler on Mother's Day AS SOON as I put it on my belly. She even stayed still for 10 whole minutes so Matt could finish his shower and come listen too. Heartrate=168
Movement: Had a weird "tapping" on my belly at 2am one morning after drinking a cold glass of water. Hmmm....
Food cravings: Macaronie and cheese, bananas, french fries, nutragrain bars (bluberry), and blueberry eggo waffles
Gender: We have a follow-up ultrasound on June 5th to verify her girliness, but the midwife said that Dr. Brown (the one who told us GB is a girl) has NEVER been wrong!
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button in or out? In...of course...
What I miss: having the energy to clean house
Belly Button in or out? In...of course...
What I miss: having the energy to clean house
What I am looking forward to: Going back to the specialist on May 18th and learning that everything is still going great :)
What To Expect When You're Expecting LIES!
1.) "Morning sickness will subside by the 14th week of pregnancy."
Um, NO. If I forget a dose of my zofran, you can bet I will be praying to the porcelain goddess for the next hour. STILL. I cannot make it through a day without puking STILL. And BTW: 12 pills of generic zofran costs $215.00 at Publix - thank God for my insurance!!
2.) "A cold glass of water is often sufficient for settling a queasy stomach"
Can was say "projectile vomit"? Matt has become an expert hair-holder-backer, car pull-overer, sink-dish-mover, and back-rubber. He's truly rising to the task at hand :)
3.) "Frequent urination usually does not become apparent until the third trimester"
4.) "Expect frequent mood swings"
Okay. Fine. This one is very true. I am in a constant pendulum swing from loving my husband desperately to not being able to stand the sight of him. It doesn't help that he's having sympathy mood swings too.
So on Friday my kids took their AP Euro test and I went to my 16 week appointment. Both monumental occasions. I drank the orange drink and peed in a cup and had my blood drawn. Also, I got to hear Abigail's heartbeat on the doppler - she was squirming all around and kicked it several times!
One of my student's mothers found out I was having a girl and brought me a TON of lightly used baby items. We're talking clothes from Carter's, Baby Gap, and the Children's Place. And a wonderful car seat too. I cannot tell you how thankful I am! This is finally starting to feel real, and I'm getting soooo excited!
Saturday Matt and I got up early (4:30am!) to make the drive over to Milledgeville for Andrew and Jessica's graduation. It was a BEAUTIFUL day outside - not too hot! It made me miss being an undergrad, lazing about campus with my shoes off and a good book.
For our Mother's Day, we had lunch at Matt's parents' house and did some much-needed grocery shopping. And now...I am off to watch this past week's episode of Grey's Anatomy :)
1) Happy Mother's Day!!!!
2) I'm seriously concerned about this whole puking while trying to work full-time thing. How do you do it?! And how the hell do people hide their pregnancies for 3 months if they're puking all the time? It's kind of a giveaway.
3) I can NOT wait to hear all the mood-swing and pregnancy brain stories. They never fail to crack me up. :P
4) If you ever run into a problem with your insurance not paying for generic Zofran give me a call, i could get them for you for MUCH cheaper (like 90% off) but you live far away :(
5) OMG have tissues handy for Grey's!! I was boo-hooing the whole time and i don't have crazy pregnancy hormones going on!!
6) I think it's weird babies get tastebuds at 16 weeks. "Ooh, yum! Amniotic fluid, my favorite!..." Hmm..does that make them amphibious?
Did you see the Grey's finale?! OMG!! I was totally not expecting that.
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