This pregnancy has seemed to take forever, but now that we're 27 weeks and officially moving into the third trimester, I feel like everything is going to start picking up pace - and I don't feel ready at all!
Granted, the prepared childbirth class was interesting: a 10 hour day of lecture about contractions and epidurals, hospital policies and relaxation techniques. I have to admit that I really didn't learn anything NEW, but it was good to hear it from professionals, rather than just my books. Matt looked over at me more than once during the day to whisper "You've already taught me all of this", which is true. I've sucked up information on pregnancy and delivery like it was going out of style for the past year (my goodness, it's almost been a year since we found out we were expecting the first time!), but now I'm realizing that I am pitifully lacking on information regarding what to do with GB once I get her home. Luckily, I have a $20 Barnes and Noble gift card and plans to buy What to Expect the First Year.
I have to admit that Matt and I were probably not the best students on Saturday. As in every high school class that we had together, we ended up egging each other on when it came to not paying the strictest attention - particularly during the segment on relaxation and breathing during labor. Okay, people, they put us on the floor with pillows in the dark DIRECTLY AFTER LUNCH! Then they turned on a video and told us to practice the breathing techniques and visualization. Well, just as I was visualizing my happy place - Isla Mujeres, our honeymoon island, strawberry daiquiri in hand - Matt starts practicing HIS labor breathing right in my ear. Of course, you're wondering why the husbands needed to practice labor breathing - the truth is that they DIDN'T, nor were they SUPPOSED TO. But Matt decided that it's not just me who's going to have all the fun. I gave him the stink eye and resumed my visualization, only to discover him reclining half-asleep on MY pillows when the lights came back on! Truth be told, I'm not upset that he was truly relaxing while I was doing my visualization - I just wish I'd have thought of it before he did!
This wasn't nearly as interesting as watching the natural birth video. The idea of the video was to show us how some women use breathing patterns and rhythm to get through labor without drugs. Now, I am all about trying to hold off as long as I can for pain medication, but I am by no means a tough cookie when it comes to pain. However, I know from previous bodily trauma that I am a QUIET sufferer, meaning I do not moan and groan even with several severe breaks to the pelvis and back. (Although I do complain, which is something completely different).
Anyways, the women on the video were moaning in specific rhythmic patterns. Moaning loudly. Moaning gutturally. You get the picture. In fact, if you had just walked by the conference room we were in, you would wonder what type of movie they were showing all of these pregnant women. So Matt and I were glancing over at one another a little uncomfortably, trying to determine if it was appropriate to giggle through a video of childbirth, when one of the women started to baa...yes, like a sheep.
Whatever gets you through the pain, right?
At the end of our day we took a tour through the maternity ward, which is really nice. Apparently they don't really have a nursery at this hospital because they encourage the babies to room-in with the mothers - something I was really hoping for.
Wednesday was my MFM Specialist Appointment, and here's what we found out:
1. GB is measuring right on track! She weighs about 2lbs and was measuring right at 27 weeks - YAY! Apparently the two-vessel cord has not caused any complications.
2. GB's right kidney is larger than her left. This could mean a problem, or it could correct itself as the pregnancy progresses. Either way, the doctor is not too terribly worried and will refer me to a special pediatrician after the birth to check it out again. He said this is VERY common with babies that have SUA and high AFP levels - not to worry.
3. My next appointment is August 12th - then I start going to the specialist for weekly (yes, WEEKLY) ultrasounds until D-day. As is turns out, starting August 1st I will not have a SINGLE week without a dr's appointment - some weeks I will have 2. Thank God for insurance!
4. They were able to get some of the CUTEST pictures of GB's little face! Matt and I have decided that she has my chin and nose. I'll get these posted when I can.
So everything is looking good! GB has learned a new trick in the past week - she has started rolling and flipping and PUSHING! Sometimes it feels like there is an alien in my belly as she STRETCHES her back and I can actually feel her round little head poking out of one side. It's really neat, but I have to admit that sometimes it takes my breath away! Matt was talking to her with his head on my belly last week and he got kicked in the cheek:)
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