Let your spouse put an ear to your belly -- he might be able to pick up baby's heartbeat (no stethoscope required). Inside the womb, the formation of tiny capillaries is giving baby a healthy pink glow. Baby's also soaking up your antibodies, getting the immune system ready for life outside the womb. Eyes are forming, and baby will soon perfect the blink -- perfect for batting those freshly grown lashes.
In the past month, I've been having the strangest, most vivid dreams! I have read that this is not unusual as I get further along into pregnancy, but WOW! I've always been a pretty vivid dreamer, but this is something else altogether!
The latest snapshots into my subconscious mind:
1. I dreamed I was at one of those outdoor roller-skating parks. At the bottom of one of the roller-skating areas was a t-Rex - on skates - and for SOME reason I had to try to run past him and up the jump without getting eaten. Don't remember why. I woke up feeling anxious and sweaty.
2. I dreamed that Matt and I were penguins who were being used as slave labor to find a spring of water inside a mountain. We had ice picks and Matt wore a blue and green scarf. Apparently I was a penguin who could smell underground spring water and so I told Matt that there was no spring in our mountain and that we were just doing "busy-work". I woke up really thirsty.
3. I dreamed that I was starting the new school year and 2 of my rather difficult students from last year had decided they wanted to be in my class again. I explained that they could not, but as I was starting my first day's lecture, they pulled out a ukulele and began singing loudly. I was so angry, I called campus security to escort them out. I woke up drenched in sweat and feeling very irritable.
4. I dreamed GB needed to have her diaper changed, but as I was carrying her to the bathroom, she transformed into my dog Ginger and I couldn't figure out how to put a diaper on a Pomeranian butt.
5. I dreamed Matt was taking me out somewhere fancy in Atlanta for dinner. When we arrived, I realized it was McDonald's and I felt betrayed. I woke up really hungry.
6. I dreamed I was at a hospital and a doctor came into my room to tell me that under NO circumstances was I to breastfeed GB. In fact, he said it was the worst thing I could do. I argued with him for a while and pulled out all my research on nursing (yes, in my dream I had RESEARCH available! I was PREPARED!) and then when he still wouldn't listen, I opened up the hospital window and PICKED HIM UP and THREW him out and into the ocean. I woke up feeling oddly refreshed.
And now for the 25 Week update:
How far along? 25 weeks and 4 days!
Total weight gain/loss: ::Fingers in ears:: "La la la!"
Maternity Clothes: Mad at Walmart for not selling them and making me buy a mu mu (sp?)
Sleep: MUCH better since I am waiting at least 3 hours after a meal to hit the sack. Also, I started putting a pillow around my belly to support it and now I sleep so well! I want to get a snoogle (http://leachco.stores.yahoo.net/snoogle.html) but cannot justify the cost when we have sooo many pillows.
Best moment this week: So many! Mary June's Bridal showers were so much fun! We went to the Swan House in Atlanta for the Bridal Luncheon and the chicken salad was so good! Colton's 1st birthday party was a blast too - it was so cute to see him eating his birthday cupcake and playing with his presents. Altogether, my Saturday was busy and wonderful!
Movement: A little slower the last few days, but I think she's going through a growth spurt! Definitely can feel hiccups!
Food cravings: GIMME some CHOCOLATE!! Mountain Dew - anything with sugar!
Gender: Girl
Labor Signs: Nothing, although I had one scary moment when I thought my water was leaking. I had just sneezed.
Belly Button in or out? Still waiting on it to decide to pop out.
What I miss: How blissfully ignorant I was before I watched those home-made delivery videos on youtube. Seriously, don't do it!!! (Although the water-birth ones weren't actually that bad)
What I am looking forward to: Birthing class this Saturday from 9-5! Poor Matt does not know what he's in for!
omg your dreams had me LOL. i have weird dreams like that pretty much every night...so refreshing to know im not the only loon.
LOL! I love your "dream diary". So funny! I can't wait to hear what Matt has to say about the birthing class.
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