Matt's firework launcher:

Our fireworks show!

Isn't this cool??

The 4th Annual Sandlin 4th of July Cookout was really great this year! We had a smaller crowd (about 10) due to family obligations and whatnot, but everyone had a great time eating and hanging out. Kat brought a fabulous bean dip and Kate and Cameron brought me my very own jug of chocolate milk. Cravings were satisfied all around!
Matt and I celebrated GB's V-day (viability day) last Thursday! It's just a little milestone that means if I were to go into labor now, the hospital is obligated to do everything it can to save GB - she would have about a 60-70% chance of survival at this point! Of course, we would never want her to come this early, but it gave us an excuse to go out to dinner and put up the crib:)
Today was my 24 week check-up with my regular Midwife. It was pretty uneventful - the usual things occurred: weight check, pee in a cup, blood pressure, listen for heartbeat. She also measured my belly with a tape measure. My next midwife appointment will be at 28 weeks, where I will take the gestational diabetes test and get my rhogam shot since I am RH-.
And now for the official update!
How far along? 24weeks and 4 days!
How far along? 24weeks and 4 days!
Total weight gain/loss: 13 lbs gained (19 total, if I include the 6 I lost and made up due to morning sickness)
Maternity clothes? Showing off that bump!
Sleep: Not much due to TERRIBLE heartburn and acid reflux. :(
Best moment this week: Seeing the crib all set up in GB's room!
Movement: Lots! Lately she feels like she's turning somersaults. She also likes listening to Maroon 5.
Food cravings: Chocolate milk (still) and peanut butter with bananas. Chicken salad sandwhiches
Gender: Girl
Labor Signs: Some braxton hicks contractions early in the morning or when I've been standing too long.
Belly Button in or out? Hovering precariously in the in-between stage. Matt's new favorite past-time is watching it pop out when I sneeze, cough, or laugh.
What I miss: Fitting into my pre-pregnancy summer clothes
What I am looking forward to:Going to the pool again with Dena this week (wearing sunscreen this time...), Mary June's showers on Saturday, and Colton's 1st birthday party!
And dinner....
I've heard chewing gum helps with acid reflux... might be worth trying!
Yay! I love your update! Can't wait to see pictures of GB's bedroom! I can't believe you're so far along -- how time FLIES! Love you!
YAY for V-Day!!!! That's so exciting. The belly button story had me cracking up, i can totally picture Matt getting a kick out of it. Sorry we didn't make it to July 4th, we had a lot going on with Jake's Granny this weekend.
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