Ever since Thanksgiving, my house has morphed into an advertisement for Purell hand sanitizer. Seriously. Matt's sick, Gummybear is sick...heck, even the cat is puking on my carpet.
DON'T PANIC (like I did) - the baby is FINE. She's not "really" sick after all. Turns out, her projectile vomiting has nothing to do with a fever or the flu and has everything to do with the thrush meds she's been on for a few days. I suspected this after taking her temperature every hour on the hour for the past 48 hours and wondering why my thermometer wasn't working - it kept coming up with 98.5! I even sent sick Matt out to the Hogansville Rite Aid (directly past the sketchy :Piggly Wiggly) to spend a fortune on one of those digital ear thermometers. Still, 98.5. How could this be? She had been spraying herself, myself, the couch, and the dog with sour milk after every other feeding...that we gave her the thrush medicine...It all started to make sense. Considering that her thrush meds are green and smell like old people, I don't blame her for causing them to forcefully exit.
So, crisis averted. For now. I know that one day (probably this winter) she will get her first "real" cold/flu and I will be a mess - but hopefully not for a few more months.
And how is Matt, you ask? Not so good. He's got quite a bit of nastiness going on and sounds an awful lot like Pooh-bear when he talks. And, worst of all, he cannot hold GB until he gets better. She misses her daddy. :( My poor little bunny....
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