Tuesday, December 29, 2009

4 Month Update


Weight: 10lbs 2.5oz
Height: 21.5 in
Head Circ: 37 inches   CENTIMETERS (Thanks, Kris...)
Percentile on Growth Chart: 1st

We really liked out new pediatrician but Abby REALLY did not like her shots :(  She starts physical therapy in a few weeks to work on her neck muscles since she's holding her head a little lopsided these days. I had no idea itty-bittys did physical therapy! Matt is off work this whole week so he was able to go to the appointment. Sooo happy to have my family all together this week :)


Kristin said...

37" cir? over 3 feet??

Mrs. S said...

I meant centimeters....teeheehee...