So we were at a local pizza joint when the owner - lets call her Kelly - comes over to the table to take a look at Abigail. Lucky for us, Abigail was napping, so I had high hopes of being able to eat my ENTIRE meal before her waking up and needing to be fed/changed/comforted. Because Abigail is not just a BABY, you see. She is a premature INFANT and infants need a lot of sleep. Likewise, when you wake a sleeping infant before they are ready to wake up, they are none too happy about it. How do YOU like being rudely woken up when you're in the middle of dreaming about your next meal?? (Note: Cheryl, this is not directed at you. That was a totally different situation on Thanksgiving and you are forgiven :) )
So "Kelly" walks up and starts chirping at Abigail. And this is how it went:
Kelly: Ooooh, such a cute BABY! Wake up, Baby!
Me: She's napping right now. Guess we got lucky. (HINT HINT)
Kelly: Well, wake her up so I can play with her! I wanna play with her!!
Me: No, she's napping right now. This is her nap time. She needs to nap. Hopefully she'll nap all through our dinner.
Kelly: ::insert baby talk:: Aw, I wish she would wake up. Itty Bitty one - wake up!
**Then she starts vigorously rocking the carseat and shaking Abby's mittened hands - all the while looking over at us as if she's not purposefully trying to wake our baby.**
ARE YOU KIDDING ME!! Call me overprotective, call me a first-time mom, call me WHATEVER, but a stranger trying to wake up my baby so that SHE can play with her?? Because obviously her need to "play" with an overtired crankypants outweighs my child's need to sleep and grow.
Woman, unless you spent 3 days in labor to push out this child, pray every night that she stays healthy, and get up every night with her to change her poopy diaper and rock her overtired little self back to sleep, you have NO right to try to "accidentally" wake up my baby.
So how did it end, you ask? Abigail - being the perfect angel that she is - continued to sleep away, much to the annoyance of said devil-woman. And Abigail's mama gave said woman the look of death, which apparently worked, since she went away and did not return.
I'm not here to make friends, people.
End of conversation, discussion, and post-modern diatribe.
Ps. She slept 8 hours last night, plus an extra 4 after fourthmeal :)
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
Oh my goodness, seriously! Now I've been bad and have tried holding the sweet little hands of sleeping babies, but never trying to wake them! The nerve of some people!
You go girl! You know what your sweet baby needs and you and Matt are her only advocates! I think you were awesome!
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