Last weekend Matt and I had a wonderful date night! We don't often get to go out just the two of us, so this was a really special treat. For Christmas, Matt's sister gave us tickets to see the musical Young Frankenstein at the Fox. So Sunday morning we left Abby with my parents and headed into Atlanta for some fun.
We stopped by O'Charley's on the way for some tastey brunch, then hopped aboard MARTA to avoid driving and parking downtown. The show was HILARIOUS and we had such a good time! We had both seen pieces of the movie with Gene Wilder, but neither of us had any idea of how much fun the musical would be! The special effects were awesome and I loved the actors!
After the play, we met some friends at a local sushi restaurant for dinner. It was relaxing to not have to worry about keeping Abby content while we ate! When it was all over, though, I was ready to be back home with my little Gummybear.
Next Sunday (Valentines Day) we have tickets to Mama Mia at the Fox. Yes, I'm spoiled. I know :)
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