Posted by Abigail
I turned 7 months old last week and weigh 14.5 lbs! Mommy says I'm still her little baby, but I keep trying to tell her I'm a big girl now. Here are all the things I've been up to this month:
I have been learning to stand! I still need mommy's help, but I'm getting better at it every day!
Mommy let me play in my food! She said when I get older I shouldn't do that, but it's okay for now.
I got to hang out with my cousins. Here I am with Graham at dinner! I wanted a taco, but mommy said I have to wait.
I am sitting up on my own!
Hmmm...this position makes it MUCH easier to play with my toys.
I made friends with our kitty cat, Lucy! I think she likes me! Mommy doesn't like having to wash all of the cat hair off my slobbery fingers really quickly before I put them back in my mouth. Daddy says cat hair is protein! What is protein?
Oh man, i never thought about slobber finger + cat hair...that's going to be a mess. How is she doing in the percentiles for her age? At what point do preemies "catch up" to averages? Sorry, i'm still ignorant on all things baby. I have no idea what's "normal" at 7 months! (Methinks i should probably start doing some kind of learning about such things...)
She is in the 7th percentile for weight but not on the charts yet for height. She's gonna be a shortie! Normal 7 month milestones include rolling over (she's not yet), stitting with support (she's doing that), and starting to crawl (not there yet). Dr says she's somewhere around 5-6 months on milestones - which is normal considering she was born 2 months early. I researched so much about pregnancy while I was preg, but didn't know a thing about babies when she was born! I bought What to Expect the first year and am going by that for milestones. I also have The Girlfriends Guide to surviving the first year, which is an awesome book!!
There is nothing wrong with being a shortie! She is perfect!
She is soooo cute! I love her cheeks!
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