Baby Monkey is eating my brain. I was certain he was already eating us out of house and home ( I can't stop eating!), but now he has moved on to my common sense.
Case in point: I showed up at Gordon college 20 minutes early tonight with an awesome WWI lesson in hand. The first thing I notice as I walk into my classroom is that the class before me put a few posters on the wall. Interesting. As I begin to set up my powerpoint, I notice that the college has switched out computers over the weekend. Hmmm...but this is great because with this new computer I don't have to kneel on the floor to plug in my flashdrive. WIN! I then glance around for my rolly-chair and notice that it is missing. Some other professor must have "borrowed" it, and that makes this pregnant lady a little miffed. I'll have to go hunt it down later.
At 6pm, I start to wonder where my students are. All 14 of them decided not to show up tonight. I silently curse them all as I reconsider the intelligence of posting their powerpoint lectures online. Then I start to wonder if maybe they're all in cahoots and agreed not to come to class as some sort of practical joke on me. Then I log into facebook as I wait and plan a really tough quiz for next week's class.
After waiting for 45 minutes to see if any students show up (they didn't), I pack up my things and head to the elevator. As I'm waiting there, I notice that the level 2 evacuation plan is posted on the wall. Whaaaaa? Now why on EARTH would they post the level 2 floor plan on LEVEL 3???
And then I realize what I should have realized 45 minutes ago. I am on level 2. I have been sitting directly underneath my classroom for almost an hour, and wondering why no one showed up.
I slap myself on the forehead and dart up to the 3rd floor, only to find that it's 6:45 and my students have long since left.
True story.
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
OMG! Love it. Pregnancy brain is so much funnier when it's not happening to you :P Sadly...i no longer have an excuse for these types of occurences.
Oh you poor, poor thing.
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