Thursday, July 1, 2010

10 weeks!

How far along? 10 weeks 1 day
Total weight gain/loss: 0
Maternity clothes? In them and have been since the stick turned pink. Apparently 2nd pregnancies "show" sooner. I feel like I look like I did at 5 months pregnant with Abby, which makes me really nervous about finding clothes for the coming months.
Sleep: Wishing I could get more! I have been napping in the afternoons with Abby, though. A few times we've both conked out on my bed for a few hours.

Best moment this week: Hearing the neurosurgeon say Abby will not need surgery!
Movement: Nope, although I've been feeling phantom kicks since Abby was born.

Food cravings: Greek salad, taco bell nachos, Green olives. Similar to what I craved with Abby. Having a hard time keeping any of it down, though.
Gender: I'm leaning towards another girl.
What I miss: wine and sushi
What I am looking forward to: NT scan on the 14th with the MFM specialist. Abby will be staying with a close friend so Matt and I can spend some time together that afternoon. It will be the first time we've been just the two of us since...January!


Corbin said...

Ok you know you could leave Abby with me :) Corbin would have a field day with her! I'm sure they could provide entertainment for me and Chris :)

Lauren said...

Already 10 weeks! How is the morning sickness this time compared to Abby? What's the latest heartrate? (I WILL predict the gender accurately :P) Can't wait to be super-jealous of your tiny belly when i see you!!

Mrs. S said...

The morning sickness was awful until about week 10.5 - now it has gone away suddenly. We'll know a new heartrate next weds (14th) when I go in for the 12 week check-up then go see the specialist for the NT scan. My belly is not so tiny... I look like I've eaten too many lumpy pillows...