Okay, so this is a few days late. But honestly, I'm lucky if I get more than 1 thing done around the house these days, so blogging hasn't been a top priority! Believe it or not, clean socks have taken precedence over my writing. Clean business socks, to be precise. I'm washing a whole load as I type. Anyways, here goes...
Most people cannot tell you where they were on every New Years for the past 10 years - much less who they were talking to. For me, it's pretty simple. Except to explain this, I need to go back more than 10 years. 13 years to be exact.
New Years Day 1997: I was 14 and Matt had just turned 16. We were talking on the phone since 8pm the night before - if I remember correctly, I was lying upside down on my bed in my room, letting my hair touch the floor and twirling the phone cord around my finger. Picture that? Typical '90's teen - maybe even a scene off Saved By the Bell. Anyhow, we had talked on the phone for over 4 hours (what in the WORLD did we find to talk about for so long?) and at midnight he asked me to "go out with him". Regardless of the fact that I was too young to leave the house alone with a boy, and even if I could he wasn't allowed to drive anyone around yet. But I said yes anyway.
Flashforward to New Years 1998: Same bedroom, same phone, only this time I had to whisper because I was grounded. At the time, my parents said it was for life. Still, Matt called and wished me a Happy New Year - and it was the start of a really sweet tradition.
New Years 1999: He called - lets overlook the fact that I was dating someone else, and so was he.
Fast-forward to New Years 2000: Me and "boyfriend at the time" (not Matt) were arriving at my house after a masquerade New Years party at my friend Kate's. (Hi Kate!!!) I was dressed as a French Maid and we all toasted to the year of our graduation - apple cider, of course. I remember saying goodnight to said boy on the front porch and hurrying into the house just in time to hear the phone ring - Matt was on the other end. I should have known then.
**On a side note: now that I think about it, might be combining two separate parties at Kate's in my mind - Halloween and New Years. The details get kind of fuzzy after 10 years!
New Years 2001: You guessed it! He called.
New Years 2002: Yup - again!
New Years 2003: I had just arrived home from a semester abroad in Italy and was celebrating the holiday with my friends PJ and Kristin in Athens. I remember sitting outside on the cold balcony that night and smiling when the phone rang.
New Years 2004: Matt and I had been seeing each other every weekend I was home from college that fall. I joined Kat at a party at a Tech Fraternity - regardless of the fact that I knew no one there but her. We ended up having a good night anyhow, and I was very happy when the phone rang. "Um...Happy New Years. And can you pick us up?"
New Years 2005: I was teaching in Newnan and we went to my old college roomate's wedding that night. When we got to my apartment, Matt gave me a heart-shaped neckelace I would wear for years.
New Years 2006: What a year that had been! We had been in a car accident earlier in the spring and gotten engaged in London that fall. We spent New Years together at our new apartment in Smyrna, feeling quite grown up!
New Years 2007: We spent the holiday in Mexico on our honeymoon - a tiny island called Isla Mujeras (yes, Spanish majors, that means Island of the women). The resort had a special New Years Eve dinner and we chatted with other couples. We walked on the beach to ring in the new year.
New Years 2008: Matt was in school full time and I was teaching during our first year of marriage. I had just graduated with my Master's degree and finished my written exams. We stayed home together and rang in the new year. I think he called me from his office while I was in mine. We are nothing if we aren't romantic!
New Years 2009: Matt had just graduated and was in the process of applying to various companies. We weren't quite sure where 2009 would take us yet. We spent 5 gloriously relaxing days at a cabin in North Ga, with some friends. I woke up in the loft to hear my phone ringing at 12:01am. As I glanced down into the common room, Matt smiled up at me.
New years 2010: It had been a year of challenges and excitement. We spent a quiet evening with friends at our house. Abigail decided to try and stay up as late as she could, finally falling asleep at 11:50pm. Before we went to bed, I asked Matt how he was going to call me from the same room. So he slinked off to the kitchen - and I heard my phone start to ring :)