How far along? 19 weeks and 6 days
Total weight gain/loss: Not sure - haven't been checking
Maternity clothes?Yup.
Sleep: Having a hard time this week, and I'm feeling bad for keeping Matt up when he has to get up so early for work
Best moment this week: Feeling GB move on the OUTSIDE!
Movement: Oh yes! Ever since this weekend she's been a wiggle-worm! I can feel little flutters pretty much throughout the day, but I'm also getting some little "thump" kicks below my belly-button. She's especially active during beakfast and lunch. Also during movies:)
Food cravings: Chocolate milk
Gender: Girl!
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button in or out? Still in, but starting to become shallower. Matt says I should be glad becauser it will make it easier to clean. ???
What I miss: Cynthia's end of the year hard strawberry lemonade. I don't mind giving up alcohol for 9 months, but did EVERYONE at the department party have to rant and rave about that drink?!
What I am looking forward to: Our BIG u/s with the OB this Friday!! Matt is leaving work early to be there, then we are going to register this weekend!
YAY! Please let me know how the U/S goes!!
So what happened with the appointment? I saw on Facebook it got cancelled but then you said you saw the midwife. Was she able to do the ultrasound??
LOL my word verification is "encest"
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