So I've had my BIG 20 week ultrasound scheduled now for about 6 weeks. This is the ultrasound where they measure all the parts of anatomy, look at the brain and heart, and tell you the sex. I was really looking forward to this ultrasound because it would be my first "normal situation" view of my baby. Does that make sense? Every time I've had an ultrasound, it's been all doom and gloom - for unknown bleeding, or a prolapsed ute, or cervix issues, or possible neural tube defects. This ultrasound was supposed to be the one where I get to oooh and awww and just enjoy watching her hopping around, without asking all the scary questions. On top of that, this was the only ultrasound Matt could get off of work for - so we've been looking forward to this for a LONG time!!
On Friday, 3 hours before my appointment, my midwife called to let me know that they had cancelled my ultrasound because they had all the measurments from the specialist appointment 4 weeks ago and did not see a need for the big ultrasound now. Talk about disappointed!
I know I've had several more ultrasounds than the average pregnant woman, but STILL! I just wanted the experience of laying there, holding my husband's hand, and watching our baby together - without an incredible fear of what they'll find.
Now, because of my rather "interesting" issues this pregnancy, I have been seeing the MFM (Maternal Fetal Medicine) specialist since 12 weeks. Originally, they had me come back in for a follow-up to re-measure my cervix, but it turned out that they needed to do a more in-depth ultrasound at that appointment 4 weeks ago due to some abnormal test results. So they measured all the body parts. Problem is, they did not TELL me this would count as my BIG ultrasound. I was all alone, crying while watching the screen as they poured over the spine and skull- praying they wouldn't find a problem.
And now I've found out that THAT counts as my big ultrasound. Blah :(
Okay, I'm going to get over it and stop complaining. I have another appointment with the MFM on June 22nd - mostly to look back over the spine and heart and make sure that nothing was missed. Matt is trying his hardest to be at that appointment, and I just KNOW we'll get good news.
Seriously, it's not like I have had a lack of ultrasounds. And starting at 28 weeks I will have one every week to make sure GB is still growing on track - so I understand I have no business to complain. I guess it's more-so the fact that I had really anticipated this appointment for weeks - the 20 week big ultrasound is like the pregnant woman's mile-marker; it confirms that you're half-way to holding your baby.
I was still scheduled to go in and have my midwife appointment, so I went and did the usual things: pee in a cup (I've become so much better at this than I used to be!), weight (I've gained 12 lbs total - not bad for halfway through!), blood pressure (120/80 - YAY!), and listen to the heartbeat on doppler. Then scheduled my next "check-up" with the midwife for July 6th.
In other news, Matt and I have decided to finally bite the bullet and buy a new car! It is always questionable as to whether his Volvo will crank in the morning, and we're tired of having to put money into repairing it, just so that it can develop another problem a week later. Right now we're looking at a Kia Sportage, a Scion,, or a Fit. At first we were looking at used cars, but now we're finding some really good new car deals, so we have a lot of thinking to do!
Now off to find Matt so he can help me post some pictures....
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
1 comment:
you and matt should do one of the 4D U/S...then you can have your special U/S scheduled at a time matt can go and have really neat pix, too.
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