Total weight gain/loss: -2
Maternity clothes? In them.
Best moment this week: Hearing the heartbeat on the home doppler - 169!!
Food cravings: Greek salad, taco bell nachos, ice cream
Gender: Dunno - hoping to maybe find out Monday if GB cooperates
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button in or out? In...of course...
What I miss: not worrying so much
What I am looking forward to: going to the specialist on Monday and seeing Gb on the screen again! Also, hopefully they will tell me everything is going swell and I can come off bedrest!
I have been taking it easy this weekend with bedrest per dr's orders. I can get up to use the bathroom, shower, and eat - but other than that I'm supposed to stay sitting or lying down. It hasn't been so bad so far. I've watched a few movies, caught up on my tv shows, and spent a lot of time online.
I have my appointment with the specialist on Monday afternoon. They're going to do an ultrasound to look at everything and hopefully figure out what's going on and what should be done about it. I'm checking for the heartbeat on the home doppler everyday - it makes me smile :) I'll probably stop when I can feel kicks, which should be in the next few weeks!!
Thanks for thinking about us this weekend. So far, nothing unusual to report. I hope to have a really great update on Monday night after the appointment - maybe, if GB will cooperate, we'll get to find out the sex!!
I know when i saw you you were thinking it was a girl, then a couple posts ago you were thinking boy. What does GB feel like nowadays? :P Have you checked your Chinese gender predictor chart? There's different ones, but here's a link to one of them.
Chinese Gender Predictor
BTW, where did you find the survey and the pictures you post for each week? They're really neat! It's fun to see how things progress.
According to the chart,heartrate, and bad morning sickness it's a girl. But I'm really not sure. I switch from day to day about which I want. Sometimes I think it would be so much fun to have a little boy that looks like Matt. But having a little girl to play with all the princess stuff would be so cute. I'll take either!
I get the info from thebump.com. And the survey is from another girl's pregnancy website. I like to "borrow" :)
I'm so excited for you...a girl is awesome. So many cute outfits!!! I think it's funny that you crave taco bell nachos. I did that with both of my pregnancies. I actually sent mark out a number of times for taco bell...it was great! any, I am glad you are doing good, and you and the little one are in my prayers!s
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