How far along? 13 weeks, 3 days!!!
Total weight gain/loss: -1
Maternity clothes? Doesn't matter what I wear - I always look like I just ate a bag of donuts:(
Sleep: Still getting up about 3 times a night, but starting to feel a lot more energized during the day!
Best moment this week: Seeing GB grabbing his/her toes and sucking his/her thumb!
Movement: Not yet
Food cravings: Green beans, Reeses Peanut Butter Eggs, waffles...
Gender: Thinking maybe a boy this week...
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button in or out? In...of course...
What I miss: blush wine!!
What I am looking forward to: getting my bump soon!
Weekly Wisdom: Taking a nap does not make you lazy when you're pregnant!
Our NT scan re-do went well! GB was hanging out upside down and wiggling his/her arms and legs all around. The tech kept trying to shake things up to get a better position, and GB would kick me as if to say "cut it out!" Of course, I can't feel it yet, but SOON!
I got 4 really great pictures, and everything is measuring well. I find out the results next week sometime. In other news, we got to see Graham win a t-ball game this weekend and celebrate Becca's birthday. Matt and I were so tired when we got home that we actually went to bed around 6pm. I'm pregnant - what's his excuse??
1 comment:
Yay! I'm so excited you're blogging. I started a blog a month or so ago too. I like reading all the updates about pregnancy, and i can't wait to find out if Gummybear is a boy or girl! Plus, your comments make me giggle. BTW...guys use just about any excuse to nap. Can it be considered "sympathy napping"?
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