Today I went in to the doctor for what I thought was an infection. Two hours later I left with my entire world turned upside down. As it turns out I do not have an infection. I have a condition called uterine prolapse. In a nutshell (TMI alert!), the muscles that hold up my uterus are too weak for some reason. Thus, my uterus is far too low and as it has grown has partially entered the canal. There are a few things they can do for this - mostly including stitching my cervix closed and absolute bed rest until the babe is born. The fear is that I will go into preterm labor.
This condition is very rare in pregnancy and EXTREMELY rare for a 27 year old who has not given birth before. The doctors today were really stunned and at a loss. And nervous. They looked really nervous.
My ob is referring me to a high risk doctor for an ultrasound and measurements. I should be able to get in for those by early next week. Until then, I've been placed on bedrest, so I'm taking it easy at home - and of course, I can't stop worrying. Google is not my friend!!!
As of right now, the baby is great and has no clue that it's home is under attack. The heartbeat today was 176bpm and the Gummybear was swooshing all around and doing flips! I'm so in love with this little person.
So things aren't necessarily doom and gloom, but until we know more, it certainly feels that way at 2am. I'll post again when I have more news.
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
1 comment:
We're both praying for you and Gummybear. Hopefully the specialists can give you some good news soon. In the meantime...make Matt wait on you hand and foot!
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