As Lee would say, we are "making like a baby and heading out". :)
So Jennifer had her water broken at 4 pm ish. She was at 2 when that happend and the pitocin was not making her contract as much as they wanted. Now with the water broken she was having stong contractions between 2 - 3 min apart. The doctors have put her back on the Magnesium Sulfate to keep her from having seizures. That ment the dreaded cathator, which didn't turn out to be that bad this time. She has currently only had Nubane for the pain. The epidural is still on the table for later!
All in all the she has 4 IVs, 2 delivering fluids ( one to mom, one to GB), one to give the magnesium, and one to give pitocin. (And in the darkness one to bind them) The second IV giving fluids to GB begs the question: Why break the water if you are going to put more back? Yes, we know it was to get Jennifer moving, but seriously.
The nurses/doctor will not commit to a time for the baby as it really could happen quickly. We do not expect it to be quick, we are expecting this to take all night. After reading all about birthing positions, birth plans, and options Jennifer thinks that it is super unfair that she is confined to laying on her previously broken hip. She does this because it is the only position that GB's heart rate does not decellerate durring the contractions.
Even trough the pain and trails Jennifer is ready to meet the LO sometime tonight or in the morning. I second that feeling and am excited. I also wonder if all the stuff that we have at the hospital room with us will magically move to the next room!
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