An update on Baby Sandlin and myself:
I have been at Southern Regional since my Weds dr's appointment. At the appt my blood pressure was dangerously high and my blood platelette count was dangerously low, so they sent me right over to a hospital with a NICU.
We have gotten the bp stabilized, but my platelettes keep dropping. No clue why. If this continues, they will have to get the baby out this weekend/shortly after. If for some reason my platelettes go back up, this will buy the baby some time - I will still need to stay on hospital bedrest until she's born.
Her original due date is not until Oct 22nd, so she will be about 2 months premature. I have received some steroid shots to help get her lungs ready in case she needs to start using them within a few days. The dr thinks this is the most likely scenario. Surprisingly, I'm feeling fine right now and the baby is doing great. Really the situation is that my body has decided for some reason to turn aginst the pregnancy. I have Matt and my family here while we wait to find out the next step. Emotionally, we're a bit turned upside down waiting on such a premature baby when we thought everything was fine 48 hours ago, but we'll do whatever it takes to make sure the baby and I are as safe as can be.
We'll keep you updated as we can, and we would appreciate your prayers.
Jen Sandlin
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
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