29 week Update:
How far along? 29 weeks and 2 days!
Total weight gain/loss: about 23 lbs
Maternity Clothes: just bought slippers to wear while I teach - my feet have been swelling too much to wear regular shoes :(
Sleep: Not so good. I'm waking up around midnight every night and can't get back to sleep until about 4.
Best moment this week: I really enjoyed the first day of school and meeting all of my brand new students! I also liked being told that I do NOT have a blood clot in my leg!
Movement:I can now tell when I can feel her head/butt versus when she is jabbing me with her elbows/knees. Very cool!!
Food cravings: Honey nut cheerios, milkshakes, and tater tots
Gender: Girl
Labor Signs: Braxton Hicks contractions sometimes when I'm laying down.
Belly Button in or out? neither???
What I miss: Being able to wear normal shoes. ::Cries::
What I am looking forward to: MFM ultrasound this weds. I can't wait to see how much GB has grown!
What is MFM? And what kind of slippers did you get? I bet they're super cute! Do you know any of your students or are they all completely new faces?
MFM is the maternal fetal medicine specialist. I go in once a week now for ultrasounds until GB is born. The slippers aren't very cute - they are pink Granny slippers :(
All my student are new this semester, although I am teaching a LOT of younger siblings of former students.
I can't believe you're 29 weeks already! So glad to hear you do not have blood clots!
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