And no, it's not for what you think. After managing to successfully get through 2 trimesters without any noticable swelling, my left foot/ankle/calf decided to swell up to gigantic proportions over the past 48 hours. Of course, this happened to coincide with preplanning, so I can only assume that it's my body's way of rebelling against the end of summer/ start of the new school year. But it just happened so fast and became so uncomfortable SO quickly that I decided to call my OB nurse and ask her what I should do (besides elevate).
While talking to her, the nurse became concerned that it was only 1 leg that was swelling so much, and told me I needed to come 1st thing Friday morning to have a leg ultrasound done to check for blood clots. Well, it just so HAPPENS that this appointment would coincide with the FIRST day of school, and I determined that I just couldn't miss that - blood clots or no! (Note: Having written this, I am aware of how stupid this sounds. Of COURSE I should be more concerned about things like this than meeting my students on the first day. Don't lecture me - my husband already did). So the nurse told me that if I could make it to the hospital by 4:30pm, I could have the ultrasound tonight. She told me this at 4:05 and I rushed over to the hospital, thankfully making it just in time! I honestly hit every light just as it turned green (which, if you know the route from Sharpsburg to Peachtree City, is no small feat during rush hour!)
In the end, the ultrasound tech was great and thorough and found no evidence of blood clots - I just have a bad case of pregnancy swelling. Luckily this has meant that I am getting babied by Matt (seriously. He helped me into the tub, read to me during my bath, helped me out, massaged my feet. I'm trying not to take advantage of the situation...)
And now I'm off to bed because, whether I like it or not, it IS the end of summer and students will be at my classroom door in about 7 hours. Wish me and my swollen piggies good luck!
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
1 comment:
Wow! So glad it wasn't a blood clot! That's crazy that just one leg swelled up like that though. And so fast! And LOL at pushing to have the ultrasound early. I think i'm on your side for that one...if they can do it immediately, why wait til the next day and miss something important? How was your leg the next day?
P.S. You never posted the ultrasound pics!!
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